Month: October 2018

King Lear’s Message: Aging and Children

Raising children, taking care of aging parents, continuing professional education, working in high-level administration of an agency…all have given way to retirement and relocation.  Living at the beach has provided beautiful sunrises and sunsets best enjoyed with strong drink. My three children are successful professionals and I have two wonderful grandchildren, one on each coast.…

A Box of Photos

Sorting and reorganizing life has become a tireless goal filled with another box of souvenirs, envelope of pictures, or notes stuffed in folders.  Maybe it is approaching a milestone birthday or maybe clutter in the back closet is finally too bothersome to move around and tidy up.  The other day, wandering through piles of pictures…

Discipline and the Perplexed Grandparent

“Whoever spares the rod hates their children,     but the one who loves their children is careful to discipline them.”  Proverbs 13:24 When I was dealing with grandchildren under the age of two, I was knowledgeable, competent, and successful. Feeding, burping, diaper changing… all second hand to this mother of three children. Regrettably, I am humbled and disappointed in…

Symphony in the 21st Century (at the beach)

Living at the beach, access to symphony music is limited usually to Alexa, Pandora, and CDs.  Fortunately, the Mid-Atlantic Symphony Orchestra has a schedule of Fall Concerts that are available in several settings in the Delmarva area.  Planning to attend requires careful strategic activities around calendar, family, and location.  Tickets are available through Ticketmaster and…