The Wind

The wind has taken over…three days of unrelenting gusts to 45 mph and what is euphemistically called a “windy day on the desert floor!” Living at the ocean had breezy days. Heavy winds occurred when there was a nor’easter, which was not all that frequent. Here, multiple warm, windy days can occur, often without warning.…

Back to My Organized Life

Unexpectedly, an opportunity to relocate from Ocean City, Maryland, on the east coast, to Rancho Mirage, California, on the west coast, emerged like a welcoming call to return to an area of my life that I thoroughly enjoyed. In 1972 I moved to Hermosa Beach and began an amazing and tumultuous period of my life…

On the Road Day #2

Some days the road is just that — a road. Made the travel journey on Route 58 from Davis Lakes, Virginia to Hope Mills, NC. Passing the cotton gins and cotton fields brought back visions of Southern movies. The Bluff Mill was built in 1841 and remained through out the Civil War and remains today…

Holidays Remembered

The most wonderful time of the year! Yes, the reminiscences flow from the corners of our hearts. Our accumulated memories and treasured ornaments followed through many moves and lives. Each year we would gently unwrap each ornament, remembering what it symbolized, who made the family treasures, and the years of traditions, family, and friends. My…

Appreciating the End of the Day

Employment brings a treasured and well-earned end of a long day!  Retirement requires a re-look at all routines and new way to value many aspects of life.  Living at the beach has provided a much-appreciated beauty with changing sunsets, nearly every day and every season.  It is a double entendre for our lives…as our life will be sun-setting…

Looking Back on Cherished Holiday Traditions

Always one to appreciate the many traditions of the season, decorating remains my most cozy memory with my family.  As traditionalists we did not display or light the decorations until the Friday after Thanksgiving.  Of course, we started with the outdoor lights, decorating the front bushes, and hanging lights along the gutters.  Waiting until dark to adjust the…